Wednesday, December 6, 2023
Earn 7 hours of CLE and review all of the Tenth Circuit’s major cases from 2023 across seven subject areas—including criminal law, civil rights, Indian law, employment law, civil procedure/federal jurisdiction, and commercial law/bankruptcy—at the Northern/Eastern Oklahoma Federal Bar Association’s Tenth Circuit Year in Review.
- WHEN—Friday, December 29, 2023, from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm
- WHERE—The Jury Assembly Room at the Page Belcher Federal Building
- AMOUNT OF CLE—7 hours of CLE, including 1 hour of ethics, anticipated
- PRICE—$100 per person. 50% discount for FBA members, public service employees, and law students
- WHAT ABOUT FOOD?—Lunch, coffee, and snacks will be provided
Can’t join in person on the 29th? Register for the Oklahoma City FBA chapter’s online version of this event earlier in the week.
- WHEN—Wednesday, December 27 & Thursday, December 28, 2023, from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm each day
- WHERE—Online only
- AMOUNT OF CLE—12 hours of CLE, including 2 hours of ethics, anticipated
- PRICE—$100 per person. 50% discount for FBA members, public service employees, and law students